Our Story


In 2017 we fell upon an unloved farm on the edge of the Peak District. It was bleak and foggy the first time we tried to visit and it ended in an unsuccessful attempt to find the farm. With renewed hope we tried again the next day in glorious (if a little cold) weather. It was love at first sight! Although it needed work, attention and love, the possibilities, the beauty and the character of the farm captured our hearts completely. In 4 months Whitehills was ours. The first piece of advice from a local farmer was “It isn’t called Whitehills for nothing you know”, and he wasn’t wrong! The seasons here are fantastic, you feel and see them all. Spring brings with it spatterings of snow, frost and fog dispersed with glorious days of crisp sunshine. Summer shows us breath taking views, lush green pastures, wild flowers and curlew, lapwing and barn owl babies learning to fly. Autumn is mostly fresh with epic frosts, trees adorned with thousands of beautifully coloured leaves and clear skies. Winter brings the snow, the fog and the rain but is equally as beautiful and dynamic in nature as every season we experience here. The one thing that has been consistent through all the seasons is the hard work and determination we have put in to turn the tired farm we bought in 2017 into the thriving, active and happy place it is today.

Every day we learn something new. Every day we bring in new ideas and practices. Every day we improve.

Our aim was to live off the land and so with that in mind, we brought-in 2020 with a bottle of prosecco and made a New Year Resolution to eat only our own meats (which we are succeeding in doing!). For a while now our passion has been sharing our farm-fresh, free range meats and produce with the wider community.

Coronavirus, although devastating, gave us time to reflect on what we had done well and what we wanted to achieve and we set about investing further to help us to progress. We already sold lambs and Christmas turkeys to friends and family, and we have had the most wonderful feedback. We wanted to push on and gain more customers. So we set up a Facebook page (which you can access here) and an Instagram account (which you can access here) to advertise our products and keep people updated about the goings-on at the farm. We also upgraded our butchery facilities to allow us to provide you with even more of our delicious meats! All our products can be found on our produce page. Keep checking in for more updates and get in touch with any questions or orders!